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Powerful Autism Insights
001 Helping reduce my child's stress (7:51)
002 Helping my child to be less controlling (5:17)
003 Helping my child through meltdowns (4:58)
004 Understanding my child's need to switch off and have down time (5:50)
005 Understanding my child's stimming and reducing his need to do it (10:56)
006 Learning that my child was not be being naughty after all (7:26)
007 Helping to reduce my son's social anxiety (6:04)
008 Changing my view of my child's autism (7:14)
009 Reframing what people said about my child (6:30)
010 Managing my child's self-esteem (4:57)
011 Dual exceptionality (5:44)
012 Becoming more empowered to help my child's development (6:18)
013 Learning the importance of relationship-building over premature independence (4:30)
014 Connecting more with my child (4:34)
015 Helping my child to connect and interact (7:30)
016 Helping my child engage more with people (6:57)
017 Helping my child reach goals through motivations (5:08)
018 Helping my child socially through motivations (4:34)
019 Helping my child develop social skills (9:05)
020 Helping my child to develop his thinking
021 Helping my child see from other people's points of view (11:14)
022 Theory of Mind assessment questions (6:18)
023 Helping my child to speak - 'stop the world' (5:01)
024 Learning the importance of responding to my child's authentic voice (6:02)
025 Active listening (5:37)
026 Project Conversation (4:14)
027 Being my child's interpreter (6:38)
028 The importance of helping my child aim to be his authentic self (5:16)
029 How I helped my son to be his authentic self (6:44)
030 Examples of how I helped my son become his authentic self (7:48)
031 The benefits of one-to-one learning (3:20)
032 Is how the school teaches beneficial to how your child learns? (6:35)
033 Considering whether school is the best place for my child (5:25)
013 Learning the importance of relationship-building over premature independence
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